What is the difference between ejb 3.0 and hibernate

Since, calling an Entity bean through a session bean Facade pattern is more efficient , from the viewpoint of minimizing network traffic, the very concept of remote interface for entity beans was questioned and so local interface also was provided for Entity beans.

In a total reversal, there is no local interface in EJB-3! Even with all these improvements, CMP was found to be less than the ultimate solution. There was no possibility for Inheritance. The WebTier supporters claim that EJB with its steep learning curve and error prone development environment for developers is not really necessary for most applications. Even Servlets and JSP could use them.

In fact , they have been using them, though the J2EE specification was silent about it. Gavin King makes it a special point in favour of Hibernate. Making such a tool , a J2EE standard, would make development tasks far easier ,to develop either web-tier application or ejb-tier application, saving us from the medley of classpath to required jars. Whether , we agree or not, it is worth looking into the criticisms against EJB Entity beans ,raised by him.

For, he is proposing the Spring Framework as an alternative to EJB container and the idea is gaining ground. J2EE developers and students may have to re-orient themselves rather abruptly, to remain relevant to industry.

The J2EE field is agog with excitement about a very popular open-source technology , Hibernate , being elevated to the status of JCP standard. It is an Open-Source and free technology , developed in SourceForge.

There have been a number of such ORM technologies,in recent past.. TopLink is one such tool , subsequently adopted by Oracle and so proprietory. JDO , also falls within the same category. At first reading though, the difference is not, all that apparent.

The syntax and the approach appear to be almost same,but Hibernate syntax is easier to learn. It shows that JCP is a democratic community and SUN is not dictating terms except to protect the language and its enterprise-level users. EJB-3 , is the latest version and it is heavily influenced by Hibernate. Some readers equate EJB-3 with Hibernate. Pros of Hibernate Sign up to add or upvote pros Make informed product decisions.

Cons of EJB3. Cons of Hibernate. Cons of EJB3 Be the first to leave a con. Cons of Hibernate 3. Sign up to add or upvote cons Make informed product decisions. No Stats. What is EJB3? It is a deep overhaul and simplification of the EJB specification. What is Hibernate? Hibernate is a suite of open source projects around domain models. Engineering Manager, Growth Platform. But EJB couldn't.

But EJB uses entity beans for persistancy. Hibernate facilitates to work with any Database without changing code. But in case of EJB, sometimes it may be required. Its older feature like concurrency, Transaction, Security etc is same like earlier. It could be deployed on Application server, web server, and on Stand alone application as well with user controlled transition. Profile Answers by kumarsamba. The basic difference is EJB needs an application Server for its implementation whereas Hibernate needs only a web server for its implementation.

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