What is zwieback crumbs

Nabisco and Gerbers both make as of boxes of Zwieback aimed at babies. Zwieback is often crushed, with a rolling pin or in a food processor to make crumbs, which can be used as you would Graham cracker crumbs to make a pie crust.

They can also be broken up into a soup, as you would a cracker. Zwieback appears on supply lists for troops in the American Civil War. Home » Bread » Biscuits » Crackers » Zwieback. Does anyone have a good recipe to replicate Zwieback toast or an alternative recommendation? I know graham crackers are sometimes used as a substitute but I really am not keen on that. O'Shaughnessy When the usual pie lineup feels boring and uninspired for your dessert repertoire, you've got to make Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest tips, tricks, recipes and more, sent twice a week.

By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. You may unsubscribe at any time. Newsletter Shop Help Center. Home Cooking. Here's one of my favorite ready-made ingredients: our Cinnamon-Sugar Plus, a combination of superfine sugar and Vietnamese cinnamon. You can certainly make your own—with our Baker's Special Sugar and Vietnamese cinnamon. But however you do it, I'm sure you'll love this blend of lightly crunchy sugar and super-fragrant cinnamon.

Let's start with a basic rich yeast dough: King Arthur Flour, sugar, salt, and yeast; milk, eggs, and butter. And a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Knead till smooth. Notice that the dough is slightly sticky—see it clinging to the bottom of the bowl? That's fine. Never try to make a sticky dough perfectly smooth; all you're doing is impeding its ability to rise, and encouraging the final loaf to be dry.

And notice that it's lost its stickiness. As dough rises, the gluten continues to develop, and the flour continues to absorb moisture, changing a sticky dough into one that's easily handled. Space them on a parchment -lined or lightly greased baking sheet. A half-sheet pan is just the right size.

Cover and let rise for about 90 minutes. The loaves will get nice and brown, like this. Let the loaves cool overnight, uncovered, on a rack. Yes, uncovered. You want them to start drying out. Picky, picky Well, in this case it pays to be picky. If all your slices are pretty much the same thickness, they'll all dry out at the same rate. Plan B: Just lay them down. One loaf will fit one half-sheet pan perfectly. Minus the little end nubs. Remove from the oven, and turn all the pieces over.

For cinnamon toasts—remember Korpu and Trenary Toast? Bake for another hour, until the toasts are very dry and crisp. See all the holes? That's what gives this toast its ethereally light, crunchy texture. Minus the cute kid on the box, I think we've got this clone nailed Give the recipe a try and let us know what you think! PJ bakes and writes from her home on Cape Cod, where she enjoys beach-walking, her husband, three dogs, and really good food!

My mom taught us to eat zwieback as children and she had it all through her life as her mother and grandmother made it from their day-old bread. She remembers it well and we grew up on the Nabisco Zwieback in the little yellow package with the cute baby on the package! We dunked it in Possum which has also been discontinued.

So sad We've missed it all these years. My mother has come to live with me at years-of-age and was talking about making it out of some store bought breads. We made it last night and this morning, upon cutting into the loaf, that wonderful, fragrant smell of zwieback was there! I ran downstairs with a piece for my mother to smell! We were delighted but of course were even more delighted when we tasted the bread.

It is a perfect clone of the zwieback we both remember. Yum Yum We are now in the process of packaging it to send to my sister so she, too, can enjoy this delightful zwieback toast.

Thank you so much for the recipe. This is such a wonderful story, Debbie, and we're so honored to have been able to bring such a lovely memory to you and your mother.


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