What is the difference between jealousy and obsession

Often the relationship goes out of control which makes it even harder to quit the relationship without feeling guilty. Love is a feeling from the heart, a feeling which is uncontrollable and pure. A person in love always prioritize the best for his partner and never prioritize to become her life partner.

This may involve mutual sacrifice and they want their partners to be happy, even if they are not part of his life. Pure love is built by an understanding between individuals and they trust each other blindly.

Mutual Respect is given the highest priority. A Person in love will never disrespect the other in any situation. Individuals in love also care, supports the other in any situation. Habits derived from love are positive. It makes individuals happy. There is no insecurity, no trust issues, no jealousy feelings, which makes the person feel positive about both individually or about partners.

Due to a good understanding level, the individuals develop a mature mindset and peace of mind. Maintenance of individual identity, reciprocal nature of the relationship with almost equal give and take and equal sacrifices makes love a healthy feeling.

Obsession is a crazy feeling, a feeling which in turn causes some serious bad effect on a relationship. The person in obsession always wants his partner by his side and to be only his, to give time and attention only to him. The Obsessed partners behave immaturely often, spending all his time to get attention from the partner. We realize how fortunate we are that our partner went through everything they did in their past because it shaped them into the wonderful person and partner they are today.

I'm the founder of RetroactiveJealousy. Skip to content. Share on Facebook Tweet Share on Twitter. What about you? Regardless of the presence or absence of insight into the disorder, one of the key factors in the treatment of pathological jealousy is to motivate the sufferers for pharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions. Abstract Although obsessive jealousy is a highly disturbing disorder, frequently it goes unrecognized, as most attention is paid to delusional jealousy, being the more prominent clinical phenomenon.

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